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blurt out

vb. (context idiomatic English) To say suddenly, without thinking

blurt out

v. utter impulsively; "He blurted out the secret"; "He blundered his stupid ideas" [syn: blurt, blunder out, blunder, ejaculate]

Usage examples of "blurt out".

But he reminded himself that the average Centauri had never seen a Drakh, and the last thing he should do was blurt out what was on his mind.

He hadn't realized, he thought, how hungry he had been for the sight of her, otherwise why blurt out something he had kept from her five years ago?

No way to avoid that, and I just can't blurt out that I've been hiding such vital info, I'd get sacked for certain.

The truth was only that I felt sorry for myself and on that account did not want to go on, and who could tell what else I might blurt out?

She truly believed that she was going to blurt out every scathing fact.

I've drunk more than enough, it would be folly to blurt out something fatal now, when I'm all but free.

She was afraid to talk to him, afraid that she would blurt out her discovery of slaving equipment in Huron's hold and put him in deadly danger.

Willow had not meant to blurt out the words, but there they were, lying like a carelessly tossed gauntlet on the floor between them.