Crossword clues for bluet
n. Any of several different species of plants having blue flowers.
Bluet or bluets may refer to:
- Centaurea, a plant genus in the family Asteraceae
- Several plant genera in the family Rubiaceae, notably:
- Houstonia
- Oldenlandiopsis or "creeping bluet"
- Some damselfly species in the Coenagrionidae genera:
- Enallagma
- Coenagrion
- A book of poetry by Maggie Nelson: Bluets (book)
Usage examples of "bluet".
Up through the window he could see a twisting tail of white-hot flame stretching away for miles into a sky that grew steadily bluet as they fell.
I would not say bouquets may be gathered in the depth of winter, but what will be equally cheering may be had in blow, such as the Bluet, Violet, Primrose, Christmas Rose, Crocus, Hepatica, Squills, Snowdrops, and other less known winter bloomers.
Above all, there would be wildflowers in dazzling profusion, blossoming from every twig, pushing valiantly through the fertile litter on the forest floor, carpeting every sunny slope and stream bank—trillium and trailing arbutus, Dutchmen’s breeches, jack-in-the-pulpit, mandrake, violets, snowy bluets, buttercups and bloodroot, dwarf iris, columbine and wood sorrel, and other cheerful, nodding wonders almost beyond counting.
Above all, there would be wildflowers in dazzling profusion, blossoming from every twig, pushing valiantly through the fertile litter on the forest floor, carpeting every sunny slope and stream bank--trillium and trailing arbutus, Dutchmen's breeches, jack-in-the-pulpit, mandrake, violets, snowy bluets, buttercups and bloodroot, dwarf iris, columbine and wood sorrel, and other cheerful, nodding wonders almost beyond counting.