Crossword clues for blueblooded
a. (alternative form of blue-blooded English)
Usage examples of "blueblooded".
I mean, you're bound to feel a bit brainy and blueblooded, a bit of an exquisite, when you walk through Forty-Second Street or Union Square, or even Sixth Avenue at noon, the office men, with lunchbox faces and truant eyes.
Prince Goffredo was seated prudently apart from the other feasters at a table peopled by his playmates, little boys all as boisterous and unbiddable as they were blueblooded, but on seeing his mother's anguish he too ran over to embrace her and ask her why she cried.
From the captain's expression, Spock could tell that the blueblooded commander of this Enterprise thoroughly understood the ramifications of secured space, and when a starship could and could not be of service.
To Guillam, Haydon was of that unrepeatable, fading Circus generation, to which his parents and George Smiley also belonged - exclusive and in Haydon's case blueblooded - which had lived a dozen leisured lives to his own hasty one, and still, thirty years later, gave the Circus its dying flavour of adventure.