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blue falcon

n. (context US military English) A bowlderizing or perhaps humorous euphemism for the derogatory term buddy fucker, a supposed comrade whose actions harm his friends, often for his own benefit.

Blue Falcon (disambiguation)

The Blue Falcon is a character in the cartoon series Dynomutt, Dog Wonder.

Blue Falcon may also refer to:

  • Blue Falcons Gymnastic Display Team, at Chelmer Valley High School
  • Captain Falcon's vehicle in the video game series F-Zero
  • " How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon", a Scots folk tale
  • Military slang, acronym for "Buddy Fucker"

Usage examples of "blue falcon".

The bacteriologist led him through the back of the quonset and then out into the heat again, to a light-blue Falcon sedan parked in the rear.

As he drove the nondescript blue Falcon out of town, he had some second thoughts.