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n. (plural of blowtube English)

Usage examples of "blowtubes".

Othersmost of them young angels in the earliest stages of training for Husu's flying army of spiescontinued their practicing, filling their mouths with darts, the points protruding, then rapidly firing them one-handed through their blowtubes, trying to get them somewhere near the targets.

Others-most of them young angels in the earliest stages of training for Husu's flying army of spies-continued their practicing, filling their mouths with darts, the points protruding, then rapidly firing them one-handed through their blowtubes, trying to get them somewhere near the targets.

Others-most of them young angels in the earliest stages of training for Husu’s flying army of spies-continued their practicing, filling their mouths with darts, the points protruding, then rapidly firing them one-handed through their blowtubes, trying to get them somewhere near the targets.