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blow the lid off

vb. (context idiomatic English) To uncover (a secret or scandal)

Usage examples of "blow the lid off".

Dory all of a sudden has enough dynamite piled around him to blow the lid off his marriage, his livelihood, his whole fucking life not to mention his diseased dogshit pecker.

His personal crusade to discover the truth was not inspired by a desire to blow the lid off for the good of people in general: he just wanted to be one of the select band of people who knew what was really going on.

Only if there was anything that was figured to blow the lid off this country it was such a suit.

The blacks will blow the lid off your country any day - I want to see the workers seize power here.

If they were the world-wide net they claimed to be, there was no reason why I shouldn't wind up in New York, ready and able to blow the lid off them.

All of this was too volatile, and he hadn't even distributed the quantity of the substance that might really blow the lid off.

Then she had become Spirit and made a scene calculated to blow the lid off the tight little dictatorship that was the South Mercury government.

Were hoping to blow the lid off the whole question of pre-Empire origins, the Earth legend--the works!

Killing a woman, particularly the major's daughter, would blow the lid off the countryside.

But then, when Jane was trying to pressure Lauren not to blow the lid off the Duke thing, she told Lauren where the money had really come from, tried to make herself a saint—.