adj. reduced to nothingness [syn: obliterate, obliterated]
Usage examples of "blotted out".
She was past fear for herself, past all thought of the terrible end which might come to them in a few moments, past even the horror of losing Richard should they all be blotted out in some awful final darkness.
The rest of what he said was blotted out by a jarring crash from somewhere just behind me.
Something big, dark, and silent as the hand of God blotted out the stars above Xris's head.
Then a sudden return of rightful consciousness, intermittently plagued ever after with vague unplaceable dreams suggesting fragments of some hideous memory elaborately blotted out.
From him there were no protests at the miles of old wood and farmland to be blotted out, though perhaps there would have been had not his home lain outside the bounds of the future lake.
Then a sudden return of the rightful consciousness, intermittently plagued ever after with vague unplaceable dreams suggesting fragments of some hideous memory elaborately blotted out.
She tried to listen for the shower, but her thundering heartbeat made a roaring in her ears that blotted out sound.
Pleasure neighed his disapproval of being left alone, but soon the trees blotted out the sound and there was only the rustle of their feet in the leaves.
As the pines blotted out the last sight of the hollow, I resolutely turned my mind from the disturbing events of the day, and began to think what might await us in Brownsville.
They were blotted out by a sudden whirling cloud - and then he realized that he too was enveloped in a blinding crimson mist - he heard Yasmina scream, and the stallion cried out like a woman in pain.
The full moon, rising early, flooded the sky with a brilliance that blotted out the stars.
But the clouds worked against her as they blotted out the two moons.