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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a bloodcurdling scream (=very frightening)
▪ With a blood-curdling scream, he threw himself at Paul.
▪ Even my bloodcurdling tale of the Curse of El Jocoso had not prevailed.
▪ Now they were bloodcurdling as of an animal in intense physical pain.
▪ We have seen the bloodcurdling letters that he has sent to electors about what may happen if Labour is returned.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

bloodcurdling \blood"curd*ling\ adj. causing sudden intense fear due to an apprehension of imminent bodily harm, to oneself or others. Awakened by a bloodcurdling scream from right outside her window

Syn: hair-raising, nightmarish.


a. Causing great horror or terror.


adj. extremely alarming [syn: hair-raising, nightmarish]

Usage examples of "bloodcurdling".

Then the sound was pierced by a bloodcurdling scream that Brady knew he would remember in his nightmaresthe rebel yell, the battle cry of the cavalry swooping down on batteries and fleeing bystanders.

Holding the end of a strong rope, Wulfgar leaped from his concealment along the lefthand rock wall and swooped in a pendulum arc with a bloodcurdling howl.

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling cry rent the midday air and all the smaller lifeforms that had been so curious about the intruder suddenly lost interest.

The German matron gazed around her indignantly as if calling on everyone to witness this unimaginable outrage, and then set up a bloodcurdling squealing, adding her voice to the screeching of the schoolgirls and the stout lady, who had been emitting piercing shrieks for several seconds.

There was no mistaking the source of the bloodcurdling roars and bellows echoing down the corridor from some place still ahead.

Erast Fandorin swayed backward, then with a bloodcurdling howl he plunged down into the river out of which he had clambered with such great difficulty only a few minutes earlier.

Fandorin thought seriously about whether he should suddenly come to and disrupt the educational process with bloodcurdling screams.

As the big horse charged, Shal let out an ear-splitting war whoop, Tarl added a bloodcurdling cry of his own and leaned back away from Shal to swing his hammer through the air with a vengeance that made it hum.

One horrible, bloodcurdling scream escaped the blue lips of the vampire before he and his light-hating minions turned to dust.

The first question potential jurors were being asked by both prosecutors and defense attorneys was whether they could be unbiased in such a bloodcurdling, emotionally charged case.

Esperanza spoke excitedly, and Maria licked the moisture from her lips and tried to smile in response, right before another contraction took her prisoner and the bloodcurdling scream this time brought Casey back to her knees.

Ferdinand Pairfield accompanied by a bloodcurdling wail of horrific anguish which had started in the outside distance and arrived in the room with him before anyone else had been able to identify and classify it.

Then, abruptly, the chantlike song was done, and as one their heads went back and they issued an eerie, bloodcurdling sound that came from somewhere deep in their chests.

Now let's just wrap those other two up, and" He was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream from Boley.

He knew of some of those problems and the Diagnosticians who had worked on them, and the hospital grapevine had carried some bloodcurdling accounts of some of the failures.