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a. 1 (en-comparative of: blond) 2 (en-comparative of: blonde)


Blonder may refer to:

  • Blonde and Blonder
  • Blonder and Blonder
  • Blonder Tongue Audio Baton
  • Daryl Blonder (born 1981), actor
  • Roger Blonder (born 1967), animator
  • Blonder, a Hungarian microbrewery

Usage examples of "blonder".

Monica and Howard had stationed themselves by the baggage carousels and they waved enthusiastically as she appeared, Monica a lot blonder and Howard only slightly balder.

Etienne Vascogne, and the taller, blonder, and slimmer form of his assistant chief of security, Helga Litwack.

Her hair grew paler, blond and blonder, until it was almost a white blond.

Her hair was blonder than God had ever intended, and her skin was darkly and evenly tanned which made her perfect teeth seem even whiter when she smiled.

Several of the blonder workers had shed their shirts in defiance of the tropical sun.

Several of the blonder workers had shed their shirts in defiance of the tropical sun.

In the half-light of the fading day, his hair appeared blonder than before, almost white.

Briun was taller, leaner and blonder than his father, and seemingly less fervent.

Her hair was shorter, bleached blonder by sunlight, but the tanned and freckled face was the same, the green eyes were the same.