Crossword clues for blisses
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Bliss \Bliss\ (bl[i^]s), n.; pl. Blisses (bl[i^]s"[e^]z). [OE. blis, blisse, AS. blis, bl[=i][eth]s, fr. bl[=i][eth]e blithe. See Blithe.] Orig., blithesomeness; gladness; now, the highest degree of happiness; blessedness; exalted felicity; heavenly joy.
An then at last our bliss
Full and perfect is.
Syn: Blessedness; felicity; beatitude; happiness; joy; enjoyment. See Happiness.
n. (plural of bliss English)
Usage examples of "blisses".
He broke off as Dundy, followed by the Blisses and the housekeeper, returned to the room.
He sent Kittredge away, the Blisses back to the bedroom, scowled with dissatisfaction at Spade, and said, "So what?
I am, in a way, working for you now, so if there is anything I can do — maybe something the police wouldn't — " He broke off as Dundy, followed by the Blisses and the housekeeper, returned to the room.
Take me in your arms, dearest girl, and I will soon show you what he ought to have done, and what blisses you have lost by marrying such as him.
What gamahuching there was - what blisses celestial - the gods and I alone know.
Wo laughed in a harty fashion and said exellent and Wo leaned over our skeet sayng if we should happenbychance to see Poor Tony or them to please give Poor Tony his quite best regards and wish him prosparity and a thousand blisses.
Praise whoso will a wedded manne's life, Certes, I find in it but cost and care, And observances of all blisses bare.
I have," quoth he, "heard said, full yore* ago, *long There may no man have perfect blisses two, This is to say, on earth and eke in heaven.
Praise whoso will a wedded man's good life, Truly I find in it, but cost and care And many duties, of all blisses bare.
He knew everything, everywhere, all the special smells, good climbs, soft lairs, secret hiding-places, jumps, slides, nooks, larders and blisses.
Yet no deed of mine Shines brighter in the memory of the world, And none is treasured more by me: Look how I saved the Blisses from divorce, And kept the children free from that disgrace, To grow up into moral men and women, Happy themselves, a credit to the village.
The sense of ills misdealt for blisses blanks the mien most queenly, Self-smitings kill self-joys.