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n. (plural of blick English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: blick)

Usage examples of "blicks".

In this dilemma John Rex remembered Blicks's compliment, and burned to deserve it.

John Rex took advantage of this half-hour to hire a cab and drive to Blicks.

The booty was worth at least £5,000 if it was worth a shilling--he must have £100 cash when the cart stopped at Blicks's door.

Mixing with fast clerks and unsuspecting middle-class profligates, he found out particulars of houses ill guarded, and shops insecurely fastened, and "put up" Blicks's ready ruffians to the more dangerous work.

Having made a success, wrung commission from Blicks, rooked a gambling ninny like Lemoine, or secured an assortment of jewellery sent down to his "wife" in Gloucestershire, he would disappear for a time.

This man was one of the most daring of that army of ruffians whose treasure chest and master of the mint was Blicks, and his liberty was valuable.

He would find out if any of the convicts under his care had heard of Blicks.

Sarah Purfoy was to obtain from Blicks the moneys he held in trust, and to embark the sum thus obtained in any business which would suffer her to keep a vessel hovering round the southern coast of Van Diemen's Land without exciting suspicion.