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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Blennorrhea \Blen`nor*rhe"a\, n. [Gr. ? mucus + ? to flow.] (Med.)

  1. An inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus.

  2. Gonorrhea.


n. 1 (context medicine English) An inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus. 2 (context medicine English) gonorrhea


Blennorrhea is mucous discharge, especially from the urethra or vagina (that is, mucus vaginal discharge).

Blennorrhagia is an excess of such discharge, citing:

  • McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright 2003 often specifically referring to that seen in gonorrhea. In fact, blennorrhagia is also a German name of Gonorrhea that was previously in use, but now no longer in technical use. Still, blennorrhagia is a major symptom of gonorrhea.