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  1. (eye dialect of bleeding English) v

  2. (eye dialect of bleeding English)

Usage examples of "bleedin'".

My word, I can see we've got ourselves a bleedin' college of recruits today.

Now, I know I just gave you lot an order 'cos I heard the bleedin' echo!

Whatever bleedin' war this is, sooner or later young Wazzer is going to have to use that blade he waggles about.

I thought one of yez would try that, Chloe, but I note you never made it beyond major, and no wonder since you try to bluff with no bleedin' cards in your hand.

But, first, I could take you to the bleedin' cleaners before those guards were back in here, upon my oath, and, second, you don't know what I've writ down and who else knows.

That she was a flaming nuisance -- with the "g" carefully sounded - and not a bleedin' pain in the arse, was due to Sister Philomena's elocution lessons.

Dolly, who was pretending to say her rosary, dug Zanny with her elbow and reverting to strong Midland for the sheer hell of it said the whole set-up here was bleedin' daft.

There was a brief silence, broken by Nature screaming, "Get yer bleedin' arses in gear-I'm ready ter shoot.

And when Nature heard, she made a special trip to the office, shrieking, "This is bleedin' smashing!

It'll be a lot more fun than sitting in an office picking up the bleedin' phone all day.

Rock stars got dumb little groupies crawling' all over em like bleedin' fungus.

Now, I know I just gave you lot an order `cos I heard the bleedin' echo!

Or faster, if that bleedin' scumbag Stecker gets us back on his death-trap ship and shoots it off again to God knows what.

Conning it out of the bleedin' true believers, and he knew how to diddle the nuts into trading all they had for their chance to shape human destiny -- that's what he called his one-way tickets to die.

So when he came home from work I said to 'im, who's this bleedin' Yvonne when she's at home?