Crossword clues for blatantly
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Blatantly \Bla"tant*ly\, adv. In a blatant manner.
adv. In a blatant manner; so as to be highly visible or obvious.
adv. in a blatant manner; "they blatantly violated the laws"
Usage examples of "blatantly".
Dammit to hell, why did the kid have to call now, when Sydney was right across the table from him and blatantly eavesdropping?
Lyra smiled up at the soldiers, even going so far as to blatantly bat her long eyelashes.
In the fiasco at Chancellorsville the son of a bitch had blatantly misinterpreted the obvious at every turn.
A being with urges blatantly opposed to the Alisoun she thought she was.
Such blunt, blatantly sexual words might once have seemed rude to her.
Attila or any of the other experienced Warriors would never have let themselves be so blatantly duped.
Why would Morlock blatantly challenge them to go onto the roof unless it was a trap?
Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer did those blatantly one-sided programs about gay adoption and gay parenting?
Consequently, the Port Authority has made a virtue of necessity, and -- as you say -- raises revenue for its services by blatantly selling them for whatever the market will bear.
They were blatantly bare and perfectly visible below the obstacle of the table.
Eventually, with their patience tested, wizards may unintentionally bait the gang into misbehaving more blatantly, resulting in a pin, gag, or kill.
Blazer was a plain-faced blonde with streaks of blatantly untinted gray showing in a utilitarian ponytail.
But in this Adams was both overstating his own part and being blatantly unfair to Franklin, who had supported the recognition of American independence since the beginning, before Adams ever arrived on the scene.
Not only did his strange hair stand out blatantly, but so did the taut, blue tendons beneath his skin, especially by his cheekbones, nose, and chin, the tensest areas of his skin.
Some were ecoterrorists, others were blatantly Satanic, and still others were violently racist.