A blast wall is a barrier designed to protect vulnerable buildings or other structures and the people inside them from the effects of a nearby explosion, whether caused by industrial accident, military action or terrorism.
Usage examples of "blast wall".
None of the navigation displays meant a lot to Stephen, but he could see through the transparent blast wall to the gunnery console.
Toll Warson called from a bench at the table set up along one blast wall.
The pedestals, each nestled against its own curved reinforced-concrete blast wall, not only surrounded the test stand but climbed the face of the bowl to an elevation of more than thirty degrees.
The fusion bottle failed then, devouring everything astern of the blast wall in a white flash.
Hut 3 is only a few yards away, on the other side of the inevitable blast wall.
Jason led him back to a control room outside the blast wall of the silo and activated a screen on one of the panels.
A brick wall loomed to their right: a blast wall, judging by its massiveness.
The tortuous channels between buildings are narrow, and each is made twice as narrow by an eight-foot-high blast wall running down the middle of it, so that the Jerries will have to spend at least one bomb for each building.