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blast furnaces
blast furnaces

n. (plural of blast furnace English)

Usage examples of "blast furnaces".

Facing him were the open mouths of two blast furnaces, their fires now drawn.

We're already doing that with the smelters and the blast furnaces, where we can't stop at night, but the animal fat lamps we use are expensive to operate and don't give off much light.

He gestured around at the bright dusty day and the clangour of Khalid's shop, the mills, the waterworks powering the big blast furnaces, the noise and movement.

The stubby brick pyramids of blast furnaces against a hillside, and the courtyard-and-siding arrangement of manufacturing plant downslope of them, all neat and tiny like a model on a table.

Three shoreside blast furnaces about the same height as the ships’.

The local blast furnaces already had contracts to supply pig iron to their customers.

Kilthan agreed, gazing out at the blast furnaces and water wheels.

Within seconds the marchers and the street and the police vanished within a fog as thick as the smoke from the blast furnaces.