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Blasiphalia is a fungal genus in the family Repetobasidiaceae. A monotypic genus, it contains the honey colored omphalinoid agaric1, Blasiphalia pseudogrisella, which grows with the liverwort genus Blasia. Phylogenetically related agarics are in the genera Rickenella, Gyroflexus, Loreleia, Cantharellopsis and Contumyces, as well as the stipitate-stereoid genera Muscinupta and Cotylidia and clavarioid genus, Alloclavaria. Blasiphalia is most similar to Rickenella and Contumyces, and was only just recognized as a distinct genus in 2007 based upon molecular analysis. The fungus is unique in parasitizing Blasia2 by forming clasping appresoria on its host's rhizoids. Its basidiospores also germinate on the host's gemmae and clasp them and therefore can be disseminated together with the gemmae.