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Blacknose dace

Blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Rhinichthys.Two subspecies, R.A Atratulus and R.A Obtusus, occur throughout its range. It is dark brown to olive on its dorsal surface and silvery white below, the two shades separated by the darkly pigmented lateral line. In the breeding season, males develop darker pigmentation and an orange lateral line. Blacknose dace live in streams and rivers across eastern N.A, where they feed upon small invertebrates and microscopic biological matter. They may provide forage for larger fish.

Usage examples of "blacknose dace".

He then caught some blacknose dace minnows and put them in the glass containers.

Two days later, on a thinly overcast day, after they'd had a big lunch of thick rabbit stew with turnips and onions along with bread Cara had made, Richard went off to check the fishing lines and to catch some more of the blacknose dace minnows.