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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Blackfeet \Black"feet`\, n. pl. (Ethn.) A tribe of North American Indians formerly inhabiting the country from the upper Missouri River to the Saskatchewan, but now much reduced in numbers.


n. (Blackfoot English)


See blackfoot

Usage examples of "blackfeet".

Schultz of Montana, who was then living in the Blackfoot camp, contributed to the columns of the Forest and Stream, under the title “Life among the Blackfeet,” a series of sketches of that people.

I have learned to know well all their principal men, besides many of the Bloods and the Blackfeet, and have devoted much time and effort to the work of accumulating from their old men and best warriors the facts bearing on the history, customs, and oral literature of the tribe, which are presented in this volume.

Schultz was unwilling to undertake this task, and begged me to use all the material which I had gathered, and whatever he could supply, in the preparation of a book about the Blackfeet.

Schultz, and he was thus the discoverer of the literature of the Blackfeet.

Most of the stories I owe to Blackfeet, Bloods, and Piegans of pure race.

Their similarity to those current among the Ojibwas, and other Eastern Algonquin tribes, is sufficiently obvious and altogether to be expected, nor is it at all remarkable that we should find, among the Blackfeet, tales identical with those told by tribes of different stock far to the south.

After they had gone a little way, the enemy had gained so much that they were shooting at the Blackfeet with their arrows, and the man was riding back and forth behind the women, and whipping up the horses, now of one, now of another, to make them go faster.

The Blackfeet started around the men, so as to head them off when they should run.

When he knocked the second Cree off his horse, the Blackfeet, who were following, whooped in triumph and to encourage him, shouting, “ A-wah-heh'“ (Take courage).

Meantime, some of the Blackfeet had stopped to count coup on and scalp the two dead Crees, and to catch the two ponies.

Then these two women called out in the Cree language, “Here are two Blackfeet, who have come here and are talking to us.

The Crees and the Blackfeet believe that this was the spirit of E-k[=u]s'-kini, for thus he comes back.

The people in the camp had seen the Blackfeet, and some had come down to the river.

The rest of the Blackfeet saw one of their number swimming across the river, and they said to each other: “Who is that?

Then all the Blackfeet set up the war whoop, for they were glad, and they could hear a great crying in the camp.