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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Black \Black\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blacked; p. pr. & vb. n. Blacking.] [See Black, a., and cf. Blacken.]

  1. To make black; to blacken; to soil; to sully.

    They have their teeth blacked, both men and women, for they say a dog hath his teeth white, therefore they will black theirs.

    Sins which black thy soul.
    --J. Fletcher.

  2. To make black and shining, as boots or a stove, by applying blacking and then polishing with a brush.


vb. (en-past of: black)

Usage examples of "blacked".

The private patrolman guarding the place blacked out and has no recollection of what happened.

The robbery accomplished, they had again blacked out the watchman and removed all traces of their ruse.

Before, when you blacked out, you were shouting at me in Yuuzhan Vong.

She blacked out again when I confronted her with it the other night in our room.

Looking out through the sweeping windows, Killifer saw a city darkened, blacked out, as if fearful of an air raid.

The water factory was dark, and he saw that one section of living quarters on the lower level had already blacked out.

He wasn't at all diffident when he saw me, and he's a big bugger so I legged it before he blacked my eye.

Then, as Lysander shoved the file viciously back into the drawer, he caught sight of a photograph that had fallen on to the floor and nearly blacked out.

Through in the kitchen, he could see Scarlatti scraping his litter tray and, reminded of Aunt Dinah, nearly blacked out.

Doug had told her that the commsats were blacked out, but Global should be able to take a message directed straight at their rooftop antennas.

CONTROL CENTER 'When we power up,' Wicksen was telling Doug, 'you're going to be totally blacked out.

I've climbed some of the world's tallest mountains until I blacked out from lack of oxygen.

With returning memory came a desire to escape back into sleep or booze, whichever blacked him out first.

Like everyone else camping in the desert, the Purcells had blacked out the wide windshield with a sunscreen that turned away heat during the day and gave privacy at night.

We've been blacked out four days and Tom's is the only decent idea we've got.