n. 1 A poisonous and medicinal plant, (taxlink Helleborus niger species noshow=1). 2 Another similarly poisonous and medicinal plant, the black false hellebore, (taxlink Veratrum nigrum species noshow=1).
n. slightly hairy perennial having deep green leathery leaves and flowers that are ultimately purplish-green [syn: lenten rose, Helleborus orientalis]
European evergreen plant with white or purplish roselike winter-blooming flowers [syn: Christmas rose, winter rose, Helleborus niger]
Usage examples of "black hellebore".
Bring me ten cc's of bat's blood, some demonswart, and a half gill of black hellebore.
The mice hadn't been at it, or if they had, the chunks of black hellebore root scattered along the shelves had poisoned them.
Gerard writes: 'The roots of the Male Fern, being taken in the weight of half an ounce, driveth forth long flat worms, as Dioscorides writeth, being drunke in mede or honied water, and more effectually if it be given with two scruples, or two third parts of a dram of scammonie, or of black hellebore: they that will use it, must first eat garlicke.