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Black Cypress

Black Cypress may refer to:

  • Callitris endlicheri, an Australian tree commonly known as Black Cypress Pine
  • Black Cypress, one of three areas of Big Cypress Bayou in Jefferson, Texas
  • Black Cypress (novel), a mystery novel by American writer Frances Crane

Usage examples of "black cypress".

Old black cypress siding on a hard-pine frame, with a tar-paper roof, gray-white with age, patched here and there with black tar.

The trills and whistles and long, haunting clarinet-notes poured and bubbled from the black cypress.

And I tell you, Sam Jimper's got an office paneled in black cypress big enough for a ball game, nothing like that closet Watts has got.

Beside the trail, in the shade of eight black cypress trees, a pair of bearded gryphs eight feet tall played chess at a stone table.

After supper the three junior officers entertained the ladies in the parlor while Christopher and Vuillard paced the garden, their cigars trailing smoke beneath the black cypress trees.

Her long mourning robes, and her flowing wimple of black cypress, enhanced the whiteness of her skin, and the beauty of her light-coloured and flowing tresses, which time had neither thinned nor mingled with silver.

The tops of the tall black cypress trees were level with the overlapping hollow tiles which served as a parapet for the terrace, which was protected from the noon sun by a reed latticework.

At the far west of the March was a wasteland supporting little but thorn, thistle, brown sedge and a few spinneys of stunted black cypress.

That sagging, weathered old bayfront house of hard pine and black cypress.

The sunlight was absorbed by elegant strands of Spanish moss that hung from the tall black cypress trees and glowed to reveal the wiry intricacies of its design.