The Collaborative International Dictionary
Biwreye \Bi*wreye"\, v. t. To bewray; to reveal. [Obs.]
vb. (context obsolete English) To bewray; to reveal.
Usage examples of "biwreye".
Valerian gan faste unto hire swere That for no cas, ne thyng that myghte be, He sholde nevere mo biwreyen here, And thanne at erst to hym thus seyde she, "I have an Aungel which that loveth me, That with greet love, wher so I wake or sleepe, Is redy ay my body for to kepe.
Myn herte may myne harmes nat biwreye, I am so confus that I kan noght seye.
O messager, fulfild of dronkenesse, Strong is thy breeth, thy lymes faltren ay, And thou biwreyest alle secreenesse.
His false wyf koude hym so plese and preye Til she his conseil knew, and she untrewe Unto hise foos his conseil gan biwreye, And hym forsook, and took another newe.
To hir biwreyed I my conseil al, For hadde myn housbonde pissed on a wal, Or doon a thyng that sholde han cost his lyf, To hir, and to another worthy wyf, And to my nece, which that I loved weel, I wolde han toold his conseil every deel.
He seyde he lovede, and was biloved no thyng, Of swich matere made he manye layes, Songes, compleintes, roundels, virelayes, How that he dorste nat his sorwe telle, But langwissheth, as a furye dooth in helle, And dye he moste, he seyde, as dide Ekko For Narcisus, that dorste nat telle hir wo, In oother manere than ye heere me seye, Ne dorste he nat to hir his wo biwreye, Save that paraventure som tyme at daunces, Ther yonge folk kepen hir observaunces, It may wel be he looked on hir face, In swich a wise as man that asketh grace.
The nyght cam, and to bedde moste she gon With hir housbonde, as ofte is the manere, And pryvely to hym she seyde anon, "O sweete and wel biloved spouse deere, Ther is a conseil, and ye wolde it heere, Which that right fayn I wolde unto yow seye, So that ye swere ye shul me nat biwreye.