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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bitterwood \Bit"ter*wood`\, n. A West Indian tree ( Picr[ae]na excelsa) from the wood of which the bitter drug Jamaica quassia is obtained.


n. quassia

  1. n. handsome South American shrub or small tree having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable fine-grained yellowish wood; yields the bitter drug quassia from its wood and bark [syn: quassia, Quassia amara]

  2. West Indian tree yielding the drug Jamaica quassia [syn: Jamaica quassia, Picrasma excelsa, Picrasma excelsum]

  3. medium to large tree of tropical North and South America having odd-pinnate leaves and long panicles of small pale yellow flowers followed by scarlet fruits [syn: paradise tree, Simarouba glauca]

Usage examples of "bitterwood".

Four of us drank of our blood mixed with summer wine and bitterwood sap.

She seemed frozen in a posture of shock and rage so intense that a crow might have been tempted to peck at her face in hopes of getting a chip or two of bitterwood for its nest.

That thought sent him boldly over to the winding street called Bitterwood, and up to two manses.