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a. (en-comparative of: bitter)

Usage examples of "bitterer".

As the Baron de Willading witnessed the sorrow that deeply shadowed the face of the Genoese, he almost felt that Providence, in summoning his own boys to early graves, might have spared him the still bitterer grief of mourning over the unworthiness of a living son.

Which tell me that the spirit weeps within Tears bitterer than the bloody sweat of Christ.

Which tells me that the spirit weeps within Tears bitterer than the bloody sweat of Christ.

Few people who have criticized England from the inside have said bitterer things about her than this gutter patriot.

They dismounted in order to revere it more at their ease, but the bust proved, by an irony bitterer than the sick, heart-breaking, brilliant Jew could have imagined in his cruelest moment, to be that of the German Milton, the respectable poet Klopstock, whom Heine abhorred and mocked so pitilessly.

As nothing is sweeter than the companionship between a man and the woman he adores, so nothing is bitterer than the separation.

And why the voice called thee bitterer than wood, for where overmuch sin dwelleth, there may be but little sweetness, wherefore thou art likened to an old rotten tree.