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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bistoury \Bis"tou*ry\, n.; pl. Bistouries. [F. bistouri.] A surgical instrument consisting of a slender knife, either straight or curved, generally used by introducing it beneath the part to be divided, and cutting towards the surface.


n. A narrow-bladed surgical knife.

Usage examples of "bistoury".

I was tempted to see what I could do with a bistoury, and the girl wanted me to try, but I was afraid of the haemorrhage which might have been dangerous, and I wisely refrained.

She imagined him fettered like that, unable to ward off the blows, yet refusing to explain how Ernest Tulley had ended up with a certain folding bistoury in his throat.

William had nodded off from the opium, I presume, but his bistoury was lying about, because he used it to scrape the spindle between bowls.

Douglas Stone drew a bistoury from his case, opened it and felt the keen straight edge with his forefinger.

Buffon and Brown mention infibulation in Abyssinia, the parts being separated by a bistoury at the time of marriage.

His glance, more penetrating than his bistouries, looked straight into your soul, and dissected every lie athwart all assertions and all reticences.

Douglas Stone took his case of bistouries from a drawer, and placed it with a roll of bandage and a compress of lint in his pocket.

Stone took his case of bistouries from a drawer, and placed it with a roll of bandage and a compress of lint in his pocket.

Then calling to mind the devices of his masters at the bedsides of patients, he comforted the sufferer with all sorts of kindly remarks, those Caresses of the surgeon that are like the oil they put on bistouries.

Thermometers, hypodermic syringes bistouries and spatulas were scattered about both on the mantelpiece and on the central table on either side of the sloping desk.

Then he cleared all the little instruments out of his pocket-case--the scissors, the forceps, the bistouries, the lancets--and he laid them all out beside the stethoscope, to make as good a show as possible.

Then he cleared all the little instruments out of his pocket-case -- the scissors, the forceps, the bistouries, the lancets -- and he laid them all out beside the stethoscope, to make as good a show as possible.

His glance, more penetrating than his bistouries, looked straight into your soul, and dissected every lie athwart all assertions and all reticences.

Then calling to mind the devices of his masters at the bedside of patients, he comforted the sufferer with all sorts of kindly remarks, those caresses of the surgeon that are like the oil they put on bistouries.

To one sitte there lay the grim saws, retractors, tenacula, scalpels, bistouries (sharp and blunt-pointed), forceps, trephines, single-edged amputating knives and catlings, arranged with loving care by Poll and her friend the bosun's wife's sister, both of whom wore starched aprons, bibs and sleeves, and white caps.