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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Birr \Birr\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Birred; p. pr. & vb. n. Birring.] [Cf. OE. bur, bir, wind, storm wind, fr. Icel. byrr wind. Perh. imitative.] To make, or move with, a whirring noise, as of wheels in motion.


Birring is a clan of Jats found in Punjab, India. Birring is also spelled as Billing, Benning, Wirring, Barring, Berring, Warring, Binning, Bening or Birringh by different lineages of this clan.

Usage examples of "birring".

Vermin eaters circled, birring angrily at his invasion of their domain.

We usssed it while you evacuated to birring the rrrest of ourr folk to ourrr rrretrreat in the wild-errrnessss.

Her eyes bulged strangely, savage and unreadable, and Hagane let out the birring hunting sound that seemed to go right through one's eardrums.

There was such a buying of wool to make blankets, with a booming of the meikle wheel to spin the same, and such birring of the little wheel for sheets and napery, that the manse was for many a day like an organ kist.