n. (plural of birde English)
Usage examples of "birdes".
And one thing would I pray you of your grace, *But if* my lord forbade you at the least, *unless* Bury this little body in some place, That neither beasts nor birdes it arace.
Nor how the beastes and the birdes all Fledden for feare, when the wood gan fall.
For we be fewe birdes here in fere, And sooth it is, the cuckoo is not here, And therefore we will have a parlement.
And as the birdes, when the sun is sheen, *bright Delighten in their song, in leaves green, Right so the wordes that they spake y-fere* *together Delighten them, and make their heartes cheer.
And foorth they passe, with pleasure forward led,Ioying to heare the birdes sweete harmony,Which therein shrouded from the tempest dred,Seemd in their song to scorne the cruell sky.
The ioyous birdes shrouded in chearefull shade,Their notes vnto the voyce attempred sweet.
There is continuall spring, and haruest thereContinuall, both meeting at one time:For both the boughes doe laughing blossomes beare,And with fresh colours decke the wanton Prime,And eke attonce the heauy trees they clime,Which seeme to labour vnder their fruits lode:The whiles the ioyous birdes make their pastimeEmongst the shadie leaues, their sweet abode,And their true loues without suspition tell abrode.