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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The bipolar world of the 1980s, where two opposing countries held all the power, disappeared very quickly.
▪ And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
▪ Depression also is a symptom of other illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder.
▪ Dulles's policy was based on a bipolar view of the world.
▪ In manic or bipolar depression, bouts of depression alternate with periods of excessive elation or mania of similar length.
▪ Realists present it as the natural response to a bipolar international system.
▪ She was bipolar as well: up and down, fidgety and despondent.
▪ They have seen a bipolar world collapse, and been shaken as a result.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bipolar \Bi*po"lar\, a. [Pref. bi- + polar. Cf. Dipolar.] Doubly polar; having two poles; as, a bipolar cell or corpuscle.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having two poles," from bi- + polar; 1810 with figurative sense of "of double aspect;" 1859 with reference to physiology. Psychiatric use in reference to what had been called manic-depressive psychosis is said to have begun 1957 with German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. The term became popular early 1990s. Bipolar disorder was in DSM III (1980).


a. 1 Involving or having both extremes or poles) at the same time. 2 Relating to both polar regions 3 (context physics English) Relating to a bipole 4 Relating to or having bipolar disorder.

  1. adj. of or relating to manic depressive illness

  2. of, pertaining to, or occurring in both polar regions; "the bipolar distribution of certain species"

  3. having two poles [ant: unipolar]


Bipolar may refer to:

Bipolar (Up Dharma Down album)

Bipolar is the second album by Filipino independent band Up Dharma Down, released on 24 October 2008 by Terno Recordings. After the critical success of their debut album Fragmented, Up Dharma Down was seemingly pressured to avoid the "sophomore slump"; the band made sure that when Bipolar was released, they would "all be happy with it."

The lyrics of the album are inspired by themes such as painful experiences and "growth". The band did not label Bipolar with a specific genre; one critic described the album as "genre-defying". Armi Millare and Paul Yap wrote the lyrics to the songs, but all of the music was composed by the whole band. Despite not charting anywhere, the album received positive reviews from critics.

Usage examples of "bipolar".

His earliest articles focused on bipolar disorder, summarizing extensive work he did with manic-depressives.

I also treat patients for bipolar disorder and for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Were you treating Ann for problems related to sexual abuse or for bipolar disorder?

As I got older, I overheard my mother getting calls at all hours of the night, and sometimes leaving to drive hundreds of miles to rescue Ann, who by this time-I later learned-had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

The bipolar types are just as likely to be men as women, more extroverted, and more likely to have relatives with depression.

Salgado assigned Chester a tentative bipolar diagnosis and told the charge nurse on Eight East that he suspected that her new admission had slept for no more than a few hours over the course of the entire last week.

The next time his bipolar disease cycled into mania could be next week, or next year.

From the undoubted fact that gene mutations like the Tay-Sachs mutation or chromosomal abnormalities like the extra chromosome causing Down syndrome are the sources of pathological variation, human geneticists have assumed that heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and bipolar syndrome must also be genetic variants.

A psychological examiner raised the possibility of a bipolar, or manic-depressive, disorder.

Few of them even suspected the existence of the Black Labs that occupied the cellars of the building, the place where Jeanette Campbell did research that went far beyond simple cures for ADD, narcolepsy, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and the like.

Well, the bipolar Cold War has given way to the sunshine of monopolar power, and all that is behind us now.

Bipolar disorder, periodic antisocial behavior, manic episodes of moderate severity, grandiose and persecutory delusions.

This accounts for the fact that the unipolar concept of gravity had eventually to be supplemented by some kind of bipolar concept.

Whether the voyagers would indeed have clung to the old bipolar traditions of marriage on the new Earth is not something that the year-captain or anyone else knows at this time, of course.

It started with a serious bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic-depression.