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n. 1 The ability of an organism to tolerate environmental changes without actively adapting to them. 2 cryonics


Biostasis is the ability of an organism to tolerate environmental changes without having to actively adapt to them. The word is also used as a synonym for cryostasis or cryonics. It is found in organisms that live in habitats that may encounter unfavourable living conditions (i.e. drought, freezing, a change in pH, pressure, or temperature). Insects undergo diapause, which allows them to survive winter and other events. Diapause may be obligatory (required for the insect to survive) or facultative (the insect is able to undergo change before the initiating event arrives).

Medical Biostasis can be put to use in humans to help repair brain damage.

Depending on where medicine is in the next decade medical biostasis procedures can be performed by trauma surgeons by 2026.

Usage examples of "biostasis".

During the biennial Panics when the raw, pealed Dream Police storm the City, the Mugwumps take refuge in the deepest crevices of the wall sealing themselves in clay cubicles and remain for weeks in biostasis.

Within their biostasis cells, the remaining crew members would be constantly rejuvenated, their natural aging processes held at bay through homeostatic stem-cell regeneration, teleomerase enzyme therapy, and nanotechnical repair of vital organs, while infusion of somatic drugs would keep them in a coma-like condition that would deprive them of subconscious dream-sleep.

That was why short-term biostasis revivals tended to be so much less difficult than the long-term ones: not because of the time elapsed, but because the suspensions themselves had usually been performed under much less traumatic conditions.