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n. A miniaturized bioreactor capable of culture mammalian, insect and microbial cells.


A bioprocessor is a miniaturized bioreactor capable of culturing mammalian, insect and microbial cells. Bioprocessors are capable of mimicking performance of large-scale bioreactors, hence making them ideal for laboratory scale experimentation of cell culture processes.

Usage examples of "bioprocessor".

You key into any bioprocessor aboard the ship and you draw your energy from that instead of from the storage circuit, and it sustains you.

After a time she would be so far out that she could no longer key into the shipboard bioprocessors that sustained the patterns of her consciousness, and, though the web of electrical impulses that was the Vox matrix would travel outward and onward forever, the set of identity responses that was Vox herself would lose focus soon, would begin to waver and blur.

Do you have some bioprocessors or augmenta tion implants I don’t know about?