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n. (plural of biomorph English)

Usage examples of "biomorphs".

Alan Grafen and Will Atkinson advised on computing problems, and the Apple Macintosh Syndicate of the Zoology Department kindly allowed their laser printer to draw biomorphs.

Desmond Morris claims that his biomorphs 'evolve' in his mind, and that their evolution can be traced through successive paintings.

I think of the biomorphs as female, therefore, because asexual animals like greenfly are nearly always basically female in form.

Each generation of biomorphs is only a single mutational step away from its predecessor and its successor.

But after 100 generations of EVOLUTION, the biomorphs can be anything up to 100 mutational steps away from their original ancestor.

The main thing that surprised me was that the biomorphs can pretty quickly cease to look like trees.

Ideally, the hostile environment should include other evolving biomorphs: 'predators', 'prey', 'parasites', 'competitors'.

The particular shape of a prey biomorph should determine its vulnerability to being caught, for example, by particular shapes of predator biomorphs.

The reason, which I shall come back to, is the astronomical number of possible biomorphs that a sufficiently long evolutionary pathway can offer, even when there are only nine genes varying.

There is a definite set of biomorphs, each permanently sitting in its own unique place in a mathematical space.

The genetic space in which the biomorphs sit is not two-dimensional space.

At the three corners of the triangle are three arbitrarily chosen biomorphs.

Like all biomorphs, each of these three has its own genetic formula, which determines its unique position in nine-dimensional genetic space.

On the glass is drawn the triangle, and also some of the biomorphs whose genetic formulae entitle them to sit on that particular flat plane.

This is where the three biomorphs at the corners of the triangle come in.