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n. (context biology ecology English) Any organism that provides quantitative information on the quality of its environment

Usage examples of "biomonitor".

Webber and Compton were kneeling beside the module, attaching the line that linked the Hosaka surgeons with the Sony biomonitor in the command post.

Beside the transceiver was an elaborate Sony biomonitor, linked directly with the surgical pod and charged with the medical history recorded in Mitchell?

I whispered to the ship's AI in it: "Is the biomonitor function still activated?

Silenus," said the female android monitoring the old poet's life signs on the floating biomonitor.

Setting sticky biomonitor contacts against my chest, the inside of my thigh, my left wrist, and temple, he looked at the readouts a moment and then injected me with one ampule of adrenonitrotaline, as we had planned.

The light from the biomonitor readouts over the bed was the only illumination.

Kitsune hauled the yarite out of its biomonitored cradle beneath the floorboards.

From inside the other sleeve he caught a red flicker of readouts from a biomonitor.

For years he had worked hard enough to kill himself, but modern biomonitoring technique saw each breakdown coming and averted it months ahead of time.

However, the scouts had meddled with the biomonitoring equipment, and there was a chance that the satellite might have transmitted some anomalous signal to the Earthside control station.

We — we shorted out the biomonitoring equipment and took Laika after making certain that Soviet ground control would have no indication of any anomaly.

Each one was transparent, about 50 cen­timeters high, and had biomonitoring displays at the front The life-supportive equipment was concealed in the walls behind the racks, as was the conveyor system that transported encapsulated embryos to various parts of the building for study or processing.

His voice barely betrayed the excitement he had to be feeling, but the biomonitors in his suit told a different story.

In one-third gee, he had plenty of time to watch the ground come up at him, but his biomonitors showed his pulse rate barely rising.

Last I heard, Dr Brohier still has no idea that they're there, or that he has a full suite of biomonitors in his bed.