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n. (context biology English) Any biological membrane, but especially that of a cell

Usage examples of "biomembrane".

Finally the biomembrane, its sponsor decals gleaming, disappeared into the opening, followed first by Pitkin and then, as the music reached a despondent coda, by the laureates in single file, their lighted torches casting shadow-tremors on the walls.

The biomembrane is a self-sterilizing operating theater in miniature and it adapts to a postoperative therapy center, he should live so long, as the saying goes.

After he gives the hand signal, the biomembrane is wheeled in by Pitkin and Georgette from that shadowy area with me leading the way.

Bonwit walked ahead of the biomembrane, kicking small stones out of the way, and behind it were Pitkin and the nurse, pushing.

What he could see, clearly, were a half-dozen large bright sponsor decals and stickers on both sides of the biomembrane and even on the blunt front end.

The doctor and nurse were silent, respectfully set back about ten yards from the biomembrane, one on each side.

Bonwit, removing him from the biomembrane and setting him on the floor.

Now he and the nurse wheeled the biomembrane toward a man-made opening beyond which, Billy assumed, an elevator waited.

Immediately a bit of static was emitted from the interior of the biomembrane, apparently the sound of Ratner breathing through the bacteria-filtered talk chamber.

Then he crouched over the biomembrane as Ratner prepared to speak once again.