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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Biologic \Bi`o*log"ic\, Biological \Bi`o*log"ic*al\, a.

  1. Of or relating to biology. -- Bi`o*log"ic*al*ly, adv.

  2. related by blood; -- of parents and children; -- contrasted with adoptive, adopted, or foster; as, Mary was adopted directly from the maternity hospital and never met her biological mother.

    Syn: biologic.


adv. 1 in a biological manner 2 with regard to biology


adv. with respect to biology; "biologically related"

Usage examples of "biologically".

I think most animal-righters are really arguing that the closer animals are to humans, biologically speaking - that is, evolutionary speaking -the more rights they should have.

Our concern for how we treat other species springs out of our very human-ness, as biologically and socially constructed creatures.

Much of the material in the short-term store becomes lost - and presumably functionally so, as it is really not biologically adaptive to remember for ever everything that we need to recall for only a few minutes.

Nerve cell activity is electrical, and biologically generated current flows through the brain in patterns as simultaneously regular and varied as the waves of the sea.

Discovering just how much creatures with nervous systems of this degree of complexity can remember, and whether they can meet the rigorous criteria laid down by association psychologists as to behaviour to be counted as learning, classical or operant conditioning, becomes a matter of the ingenuity of the experimenter in designing appropriate, biologically relevant tasks.

The richness of our linguistic recall may be biologically no more mysterious than the capacity of a homing pigeon to navigate precisely over hundreds of kilometres or a dog to distinguish and remember thousands of different odours at almost infinitesimally low concentration.

Consider how it steers the body through the most biologically stressful moment of every day: the moment of awakening.

A woman is biologically designed to give birth to children and then to breastfeed and nurture them.

But she supposed this would be one of her final opportunities, biologically, to conceive.

Making them celibate, as the new Gregorian reforms demanded, was biologically equivalent to killing them.

The Laymil habitats were remarkably similar to Tranquillity and the Edenist habitats, biologically engineered polyp cylinders, although at fifty kilometres long and twenty in diameter they were fatter than the human designs.

During the short half century since Jewry adopted Zionism, some ten millions of Jews have been dumped on the shores of North America to displace Americans biologically and economically, to live parasitically on the American organism, to distort the social and spiritual life of the nation.

So on the one hand there is the organic, biologically generative process represented by Indo-European, while on the other there is an inorganic, essentially un-regenerative process, ossified into Semitic: most important, Renan makes it absolutely clear that such an imperious judgment is made by the Oriental philologist in his laboratory, for distinctions of the kind he has been concerned with are neither possible nor available for anyone except the trained professional.

This container held a different enzymatic solution, a cloudy soup biologically tailored to seek and destroy fat nodules, blood, and any stray strands of connective tissue.

Working on them are the Wuckl who did the original work and five surgeons from the best biologically advanced hexes we know who can be bought and trusted to stay bought.