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biological attack

n. the use of bacteria or viruses or toxins to destroy men and animals or food [syn: biological warfare, BW, biologic attack, bioattack]

Usage examples of "biological attack".

Gruesome as it may sound, until a chemical or biological attack does cause mass casualties, these weapons will not provoke the same degree of fear as is caused by nuclear weapons--against which no defense is possible and for which we have the legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to remind us of the scale of devastation they cause.

Gruesome as it may sound, until a chemical or biological attack does cause mass casualties, these weapons will not provoke the same degree of fear as is caused by nuclear weapons—.

They were planning a wide-scale biological attack on the town that was to happen later.

If government officials detect a chemical or biological attack, they will likely issue specific civil-defense warnings through the media.

It would be a chemical or biological attack, clearly banned by treaties the United States had signed.

Such is the case of a state-sponsored biological attack which has been increasingly threatening our population.

As soon as suspicions arose that he was the victim of a deliberate biological attack, the bed had been moved out of line with the window to minimize the threat of outside observation and sniper fire.

The idea that they might be planning a biological attack on Locanda bothered Blair more than he cared to admit.

Who all these political players are, who launched that biological attack, who was targeted, and why.

The biological attack on their homeland had understandably enraged the soldiers, and such rage could make a poor soldier into an heroic one as easily as flipping a light switch.

Absolute for personal protection from physical, chemical, or biological attack by the partner or partner’.