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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Biography \Bi*og"ra*phy\, n.; pl. Biographies. [Gr. ?; bi`os life + ? to write: cf. F. biographie. See Graphic.]

  1. The written history of a person's life.

  2. Biographical writings in general.


n. (plural of biography English)

Usage examples of "biographies".

Directorate operatives get reassigned, uprooted, their biographies rewritten, networks detached and reassembled.

With so many literary biographies down him, Richard knew this perfectly well.

There were several more biographies in his suitcase: his suitcase, which he would never unpack.

Richard, as he made his way through all these airports, toting his mail sack of Untitleds and his burden of biographies, wouldn't have minded trying the odd junk novel, but he was too busy reading all this crap about third-class poets and seventh-rate novelists and eleventh-eleven dramatistsbiographies of essayists, polemicists, editors, publishers.

With so many biographies down him Richard knew what America was capable of doing to British writers.

And then there were the biographies, which habit forbade him to discard.

At night he reviewed biographies in his room, and marked up Untitled for the reading in Boston, which was the end of the line.

Your Great Uncle Cuht New Managing Director Biographies Publishing Company THE TRUE AND FINAL END OF MISSION EARTH Key to THE DOOMED PLANET Absorbo-coat—Coating that absorbs light waves, making the object virtually invisible or undetectable.

This, tied to interpretative software, might even allow us to automate the compilation of historic-figure biographies, at first draft anyhow.

The world must be full of such anguished biographies, David thought, unravelling as they sank into the past, effects preceding cause, pain and despair falling away as the blankness of childhood approached.

His favourite biographies were those of nineteenth-century travellers.

He writes books in four genres: biographies, marriage and family, fiction for children, and fiction for adults.

I in putted extensive biographies on them, whatever I could get, whatever financial information I could gather on the Internet--and, as you know, there's quite a bit out there as long as you can get a Social Security number, which is simple to get.

But we must first amplify the definition of perspectives and biographies.

Such time-relations as can be constructed between events in different biographies are of a different kind: they are not experienced, and are merely logical, being designed to afford convenient ways of stating the correlations between different biographies.