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a. Of or pertaining to bioelectricity.

Usage examples of "bioelectric".

Their bioelectric fields were down fifteen percent from the recommended human level, while their metabolism and general blood chemistry showed signs of advanced energy depletion.

Yet the boundary appeared to mean nothing to birds and animals, or to the native people who like the birds and animals were observed passing in and out of the Field at will, with the bioelectric activities of their bodies presumably unaffected by it.

Trill symbiont, immersed in brine that held a frozen glitter of bioelectric activity.

The probe had detected a unique bioelectric signature emanating from inside the comet, one that Starfleet scientists found comparable to that of a tiny percentage of Trills.

She instructed Kim to resume scanning for bioelectric and organic signatures in the direction of the largest village, nearer the eastern hills.

They wrapped them around each other and experienced each other in the bioelectric gestalt that is Triskelion perception.

It was enough to show Dax what Bashir had already seen-the unmistakable gray-white mass of a naked Trill symbiont, immersed in brine that held a frozen glitter of bioelectric activity.

Some sort of bioelectric conduction transference, she guessed even as her knees went weak and she collapsed to the rubble-strewn floor, coming to rest atop the buried remains of the Ryol's first victims.

It was implanted just above the breastbone, and powered in the "reception state" by the wearer's own bioelectric field.