n. a light microscope adapted to the use of both eyes
Usage examples of "binocular microscope".
While Sharra was tying knots in her hair using the binocular microscope, Aivas had Sefal and Manotti take apart one of the two refrigerators to obtain the parts necessary to bring the third one down to -150 degrees, the temperature they would need to work on the Thread organism.
While Sharra was tying knots in her hair using the binocular microscope, Aivas had Sefal and Manotti take apart one of the two refrigerators to obtain the parts necessary to bring the third one down to 150 degrees, the temperature they would need to work on the Thread organism.
In short order he set up a binocular microscope, a polariscope, and an ultraviolet light on the low coffee table in front of the couch.
Lea was working in the lab when he came in, bent over a low-power binocular microscope.
Inside was the binocular microscope, the right tube bent, its lenses cracked and obscured.
Mrs Wardell had gone home with a migraine, but Rheta was still there, working at the binocular microscope on sections of skin taken from the body of the crustaceous mouse.
Wall handled the binocular microscope as if it might dissolve at a touch.
Wall looked up from a binocular microscope, and grinned when he saw his pilot.
Major Lawrence Hall bent over the binocular microscope, correcting the fine adjustment.
MAJOR Lawrence HALL bent over the binocular microscope, correcting the fine adjustment.
He put them under the stereo binocular microscope-the preferred instrument for analyzing fibers-and then hit a button.
Objects gleamed: a binocular microscope, a portable radio, heaps of plastic dishes, medical supplies, razor blades, clothing, food.