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alt. The belief, particularly among some Christians, that God is two personae (persons), two individuals, or two aspects in one Godhead (or God), these being God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). n. The belief, particularly among some Christians, that God is two personae (persons), two individuals, or two aspects in one Godhead (or God), these being God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ).


Binitarianism is a Christian theology of two persons, personas, or two aspects in one substance/ Divinity (or God). Classically, binitarianism is understood as a form of monotheism — that is, that God is absolutely one being; and yet with binitarianism there is a "twoness" in God, which means one God family. The other common forms of monotheism are " unitarianism", a belief in one God with one person, and " trinitarianism", a belief in one God with three persons.

While binitarianism is sometimes used self-descriptively, it is also used to denote Christian error or heresy as are the following related terms:

  • " Ditheism/Bitheism", a belief in two Gods working against one another's purpose, e.g. God versus the Satan. This term has been used to describe the doctrines of the World Churches of God by the offshoot Christian Churches of God.