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n. (context US English) A tramp (hobo) who carries a bedroll or a bundle of possessions.

Usage examples of "bindlestiff".

But if that bindlestiff can actually get its hands on a fuelless drive—” Hazleton stood up, kneading his hands uneasily.

This bindlestiff is a bandit city, like the ones you have here, but it has all the stuff we have and more besides.

All that remained to be done was to get some assessment of the weapons available to the bindlestiff~ on this subject the manic was ignorant, but the city’s analyst said cautiously that something might be extracted from the catatonic within a month or two.

The bindlestiff evidently knew, and was skillful at, the secret of manipulating a new culture.

But to have had the Hevians turn over complete custody of their women to the Okies, without so much as a conference, at first contact—after Hazleton had proposed using any possible women as bindlestiff-bait—a proposal advanced before it had been established that there even was such a place as He— Well, that was Hazelton’s own psi-gift—not true clairvoy ance, but an ability to pluck workable plans out of logically insufficient data.

As soon as I get a fix on the bindlestiff I’ll locate the nearest participating bandit town, and you can do the rest.

The struggle moved back toward the area of tension that marked the location of the bindlestiff.

The emotional and gravitic tensions in the bindlestiff city continued to gather.

Fabr-Suithe could hold them off for a long time, but it was clearly time for the bindlestiff to leave—time for it to make off with its women and its anti-agapics and its germanium, time for it to lose itself in the Rift before the Earth police could invest all of He.

The bindlestiff got off, and got carried ‘way out of range of the cops in the process—with plenty of dough, women, everything.

It was a dog of the same breed, or lack of breed, as Bindlestiff had been.

Its earliest habit was burlap rags and bindlestiffs—the uniform of the simpleton mob.

He would be traveling alone and unarmed, carrying only his bindlestiff and begging bowl in addition to the relic and its illuminated replica.

The monk untied his bindlestiff, spread its contents for display, and began to undress.

If Abbot Zerchi had not been aware of the fact that a certain air marshal and a certain cardinal archbishop happened to be friends, the ostensible pilgrimage to New Rome by twenty seven bookleggers with bindlestiffs might well have proceeded on shank's mare, for lack of permission to use rapid transport jet.