Bination, with reference to the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, is the offering up of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass twice on the same day by the same celebrant.
Usage examples of "bination".
The middle tumbler in turn picks up the last tumbler for one more complete turn and the tumblers have been "cleared"-you are ready to dial the first combination number by aligning the last tumbler's gate to the pawl.
Still, today the serrated tumbler is used as an effective deterrent to manipulation in combination padlocks where space is a factor.
If the lock has had a lot of use, such as that on a locker-room door where the shackle gets pulled down and encounters the tumblers while the combination is being dialed, the serrated front tumblers will become smoothed down, allowing easier sensing of the tumblers.
The man's face was a combination of ripe acne and the scars of pimples come and gone.
The Irish operative was a good man, but Manning could see that the combination of whiskey, inactivity and age were beginning to take their toll.
Did she feel what he did--the strange bination of weakness and strength that swirled within when he touched hen-or was she only afraid of wh might do to her?
They're planning to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a c om bination of Dark Magic and gum disease.