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a. of major significance or importance adv. to a significant degree

Usage examples of "bigtime".

Had to strap down and dose him with heavy feel-goods to de-fruitcake him bigtime before anyone could deal with him.

Meantime, allthetime, bigtime great deal of work needed doing elsewhere in the hab if the place was to hang in there.

The Windbag found himself wishing bigtime he did not have to deal with a ship full of straights just now.

Scares most of the ghosts bigtime, except the metal-heads, they just give me a high-sign and say ‘Duuuude!

Though I’d only threatened Jane and Elaine with punishment, Elizabeth knew that she’d suffer, bigtime, if she didn’t manage to get Dave excited enough to climax.

Which meant that all those pioneers who had sacrificed so much for generations would reap the benefits bigtime.

Appleton might be okay even if Johnny Marinville had highsided his Harley and fucked himself up bigtime, he had looked like the sort of man who could (blazers and rep ties notwithstanding) accept the idea that sometimes things went wrong.

My old grammy used to say bikes in the street are one of those bigtime whammies, like breaking a mirror or leaving a hat on the bed.

Scares most of the ghosts bigtime, except the metal-heads, they just give me a high-sign and say `Duuuude!