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a. (alternative spelling of big-headed English)


adj. used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant; "a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage; "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety" [syn: persnickety, snooty, snot-nosed, snotty, stuck-up, too big for one's breeches, uppish]

Usage examples of "bigheaded".

As the van entered a small, dusty farmyard, the old hunter kneed his bigheaded pony forward and banged scarred knuckles on the thick, plank door of the small, log-walled house.

Bigheaded carp cause blue-green algae to predominate, whereas Silver Chinese carp, which are phytoplankton eaters, produce a shift toward diatom algae.