n. 1 The tobacco industry. 2 The "big three" tobacco corporations in the United States: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%20Morris, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds%20American and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorillard.
Big Tobacco is a pejorative term often applied to the tobacco industry in general, or more particularly to the "big three" tobacco corporations in the United States: Philip Morris USA ( Altria), R.J. Reynolds ( Reynolds American), and Lorillard.
Usage examples of "big tobacco".
She and her friend Easter or whatever the hell his name was had patiently stalked Big Tobacco to reach this point, and they would happily hand over a verdict for the right price.
On the second, Kenneth Starr appeared in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on behalf of four big tobacco companies that, at the same time, were engaged in a heated dispute with my administration over their marketing of cigarettes to teenagers and how much authority the FDA had to stop them.
He symbolizes the worst in American politics, aside from being Big Tobacco's fiercest champion.
It's no surprise that Big Sugar, like Big Tobacco, is scared by what's happening lately in Washington, D.