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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Biforn \Bi*forn"\, prep. & adv. Before. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "biforn".

O matir, sowded to virginitee, Now maystow syngen, folwynge evere in oon The white lamb celestial-quod she- Of which the grete Evaungelsit Seint John In Pathmos wroot, which seith that they that goon Biforn this lamb and synge a song al newe, That never, fleshly, wommen they ne knewe.

Upon his beere ay lith this innocent Biforn the chief auter, whil masse laste, And after that, the abbot with his covent Han sped hem for to burien hym ful faste, And whan they hooly water on hym caste, Yet spak this child, whan spreynd was hooly water, And song "O Alma redemptoris mater.

Curteis he was, lowely, and servysable, And carf biforn his fader at the table.

For wheither that he payde or took by taille, Algate he wayted so in his achaat That he was ay biforn, and in good staat.

His berd was shave as ny as ever he kan, His heer was by his erys ful round yshorn, His top was dokked lyk a preest biforn.

His walet lay biforn hym in his lappe Bret-ful of pardoun come from Rome al hoot.

I loved hir first, and tolde thee my wo As to my conseil, and to my brother sworn, To forthre me as I have toold biforn, For which thou art ybounden as a knyght To helpen me, if it lay in thy myght, Or elles artow fals, I dar wel seyn.

Whan he endured hadde a yeer or two This crueel torment, and this peyne and woo, At Thebes in his contree, as I seyde, Upon a nyght in sleep as he hym leyde, Hym thoughte how that the wynged god Mercurie Biforn hym stood, and bad hym to be murie.

And on his hors, allone as he was born, He carieth al this harneys hym biforn, And in the grove, at tyme and place yset, This Arcite and this Palamon ben met.

The destinee, ministre general, That executeth in the world overal The purveiaunce that God hath seyn biforn, So strong it is, that though the world had sworn The contrarie of a thyng, by ye or nay, Yet somtyme it shal fallen on a day That falleth nat eft withinne a thousand yeere.

This god of armes was arrayed thus: A wolf ther stood biforn hym at his feet, With eyen rede, and of a man he eet.

And evere-mo, unto that day I dye, Eterne fir I wol biforn thee fynde.

What sholde I tellen of the roialtee At mariages, or which cours goth biforn, Who bloweth in the trumpe, or in an horn?

The fame anon thurgh Rome toun is born How Alla kyng shal comen on pilgrymage, By herbergeours that wenten hym biforn, For which the Senatour, as was usage, Rood hym agayns, and many of his lynage, As wel to shewen his heighe magnificence As to doon any kyng a reverence.

I may nat tellen every circumstance, Be as be may, ther was he at the leeste, But sooth is this, that at his moodres heeste Biforn Alla durynge the metes space, The child stood lookynge in the kynges face.