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Bhramarpura भ्रमरपुर is a village six kilometers west of Janakpurdham. It is the most popular village in its district. Bhramarpura is located in the Mahottari district of Janakpur Zone of Nepal. This village have the mass income in a single year because 25% of the village population is working overseas. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census, the village had a population of 9458 people living in 1734 individual households. In Dhanusha district where this village has left it name in that city calling as a Bhramarpura Chowk. People living in this village are following different religions, most of the people living in this village are Hindu or Muslim. In Hindu the castes are Brahmin, Yadav, Teli, Sudhi, Mandal etc. In Muslim Rain, Nadaf, among others.