Bhekha is a small village 21 km from Moga district of Indian ( Punjab) towards south west near Daroli Bhai.
It has a middle school and two play schools. Many students also study in different schools. It has three Gurudwaras. Bhekha is predominantly SIDHU BRAR village with few chahals and one Gill or others.
Bhekha has a very good kabaddi team. It has Sant Prem Singh youth club which organises sports tournaments as well as a lot of community work around the village, also with the help of NRIs from (Canada, USA, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore etc.)they have build very good GYM in the village.
Bhekha is a relatively trouble free village where most people still celebrate things together. Many brars (Bhekha patti) originate from langeana while babe ki patti are natives.
Category:Villages in Moga district