Bharri is a village situated in the northeastern Bihar district of Katihar. Bharri comes under the constituency of Kadwa. It's Sub-divisional office at Barsoi and Block Development Officer(BDO)'s Office at Kumhari. This Village has a Hospital and also a post office and also a Panchayat office which is headed by people elected member called Mukhiya (Who is responsible to check all the development in the Panchayat) and a Sarpanch (who is responsible to check all the issue related to crime and its settlement). This village has a proper telephone communication to District Headquarters Katihar and as well as Sub-divisional office Barsoi and also have a proper electricity and road communication Bharri.
It is 11 km from Sonaili railway station and 38 kilometers from Katihar district headquarters towards north-west direction. It is famous for its unique Chhath Puja celebrations. There is an ancient temple of God Maharaja (the King). People pray god Maharaja all the time because it is located outskirts of the village. This village has a rich educational background like 3-6 doctors among them 2-3 working for villagers, 5-10 Engineers working in different domains all over India, One Professor in India's famous University JNU and One is in Delhi University, 3-5 serving/served the Indian Railway, above 25 is still giving their best to our future children as a teacher.