Bharasar is a small village in the Kutch District of Gujarat, India.
The Bharasar Gram panchayat is the local administrative governing body, and the village being a Bhuj Taluka, is partially funded and accountable to authorities in nearby Bhuj City.
The main religion of the villagers is Hinduism, Swaminarayan Sampraday. Nearby villages include Manukwa, Naranpur, Sukhpur and Samatra.
The village mainly consists of farmland on the outskirts, with many residential homes, along with two bank branches and a girls' school.
Many residents have emigrated to the United Kingdom in London or Bolton, and some have to Kenya.
Bharasar is one of the 24 villages/ghaams that have formed the Shree Kutch Leva Patel Community (SKLPC).